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reiki master teacher in Salford Manchester

''One day I embraced My Inner Self and He shined through  me''

                                                                                   -Mira Amrita

REIKI in Manchester, Cheshire and Lancashire

 Usui REIKI Master/Teacher, Yoga Teacher&Meditation                                                          CALL NOW: 07719204660 

 Acupuncturist                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Email :                                                                                      





Just for today do not worry

Just for today do not anger

Just for today be grateful

Just for today earn  a living honestly

Just for today be kind to every living thing 



  • NEXT COURSE REIKI LEVEL1 on 26 June,27 June 


  • September-dates coming soon


  • 22 nd /23rd   May

  • Course REIKI USUI Level1

  • ​

  • Dates  on request 

  • Dates coming soon

  • 1 on 1/ group class

  • Meditation classes coming soon


'' Mira is a very talented and professional Reiki Master. Her teachings are clear and concise and she makes sure the knowledge was understood. THANK YOU for your time and effort xx '' Mirela Seovicova


''Mira was a welcoming and friendly teacher. She took time to explain important areas to me and was happy to discuss and answer any questions I had. 

Mira is very knowledgeable  and shares her gifts and also helps you to build up your own ideas for practicing. I look forward to progressing to Reiki Level 2 with Mira as a mentor. My optimism for a future career in healing has been greatly inspired by my work and teachings with Mira. THANK YOU very much! Shadilay! ''Nick Pattie.

Hello and a warm welcome to all new comers into the world of wellness and spiritual growth!Shanti!


Mira is an affiliate member of the ICRT -The International Center for REIKI Training and Research  she is also a member of the RMA- The REIKI Membership Association and The REIKI Federation U.K.

She started her journey with REIKI  in 2012 when she initiated into the arts of the Natural Healing System REIKI Usui Shiki Ryoho, founded by Dr. Sensei Mikao Usui in 1922, and continued her research and practice until today.

Mira also practices Chinese Medicine. She initially started studying Acupuncture at the prestigious Shulan College of Chinese medicine and then trained with Rob Aspell at Xian Tian college. 

Fascinated by the Yogic traditions, Mira studied the yogic philosophy and is now a Yoga teacher, providing public classes  and private classes.





In the daily life we look around us and we ask ourselves that question, just like every individual : What makes a human being to walk?  The medics would tell you that locomotion is a  function of living organisms consisting of a complex of movements, which facilitate the release of energy, made by special mechanisms and organs, bone system and muscular system, whereby animals and man move actively in space. But what generates this energy?  The medics would say that the nutrients intake create the energy in your body.


The energy that puts everything in motion is the Life Force Energy or the Vital Energy, which flows through everything, making the difference between a living being and an inanimate object. It is the primordial energy of life, an unlimited fluid of pure  energy. It does not have spatial or temporal dimension, because it is the very divine essence subject to the duality Yin/Yang: man/woman, light/darkness, good/bad, life/death etc.

Countless studies have been made in the laboratory demonstrating the beneficial effect on the DNA  and obtaining spectacular results during remote healing experiences.

This energy is flowing through our body's  Meridians, known as pathways or energy channels in Chinese Medicine for over 3000 years and it nourishes the organs and tissues.  When the energy is low we are easily exposed, our immunity decreases and is more difficult to deal with stress, having a REIKI treatment can increase a person's supply of life energy.




Why are the hands so important?!


Hands have been used in all spiritual disciplines to transmit blessings, to ease pain, for healing, in the sacred initiations, martial arts, powerful magic gestures and mudras in the Yogy tradition. Hands are directly connected to the heart and they can express the emotion and the energy of the heart and we instinctively use our hands when we have a pain we place them just there, we use them to show love, care, we use them to feel, touch .

The hand Chakras can be activated with certain mudras, applying symbols (in REIKI) or through exercises in QiGong

(the Chakras are named lao-gong), using the main hand Chakras and the secondary Chakras located on the fingers.

The hands are the only ones that do not have polarity(YIN/YANG) that is why healing has been used from ancient times!




Etimological REIKI means ''Rei: divine, spirit, life and Ki: vital energy and has been part of the wisdom and mystery schools of many cultures since ancient times. It has been called Chi/Qi in China, Ki in Japan, Prana in India and Ki/Ti in the ancient Hawaii.  Scientists of Quantum medicine  refers to it as bio-photons field having the capacity to store and emit particles of light creating the electromagnetic field around the body known as the Auric field.

Whilst  REIKI healing treatment  is applied, your body radiates and absorbs high frequency energy and is ready to heal.





The benefits of REIKI

  • Helps the body to heal itself by stimulating your immune system

  • Alleviates pain Reduces stress, anxiety, frustration

  • Offers mental and emotional equilibrium

  • Balances the nervous system and the energies of your body

  • Fighting food disorders ( anorexia, bulimia) and ADDICTION

  • improves your sleep, migraines, menstrual pain

  • Detoxifies  and cleanse your body, purifies your chakras

  • We can help the ones around us when they suffer of any pain

  • You can purify a space, objects and food with REIKI

  • It is compatible with the allopathic treatment

  • Develops extrasensory capabilities

  • It is exclusively beneficial and can not be manipulated.

  • It is accessible to anyone regardless of religion, sex, political orientation





What REIKI can help improve: 

  • emotional conditions,depression,anxiety, migraines

  • eyes conditions:myopia, conjunctivitis, cataract, glaucoma

  • infertility

  • dysfunctions of the reproductive system

  • cardiac diseases

  • respiratory conditions

  • liver and pancreas conditions

  • stomach and intestine conditions

  • digestive problem

  • bone and muscular system conditions

  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)- children/teens 

  • anemia, diabetics

  • other conditions: infantile epilepsy, menopause, lack of breast milk, pregnancy, hernia

  • can help improve autism,delays in development

  • Chron's disease(Inflammatory bowel disease-IBM)

  • chronic fatigue

  • medical studies demonstrated that REIKI helped along with chemotherapy, speeding the healing process and reducing the heavy after effects of chemotherapy. It works complementary with the conventional treatment, in  a lot of cases determined the reduction of tumors or even the remission 






What REIKI is not?

  • It is not a religion

  • It is not a cult

  • It is not a sect

  • It is not imagination 

  • It is not Hypnoses 

  • It is not spiritualism

  • It is not a form of energy attack

  • it is not a medical technique and it does not replace a medical treatment









REIKI levels studied :



Level 1- 2012

Level 2 -  2012

Master Practitioner Level 3/Advanced Reiki Training(ART) - 2013


KARUNA REIKI    - founded  by William Lee Rand

 Practitioner Level 1&2- December 2013


USUI REIKI RYOHO - a combination of both Eastern and Western Style of REIKI 

Master Practitioner Level 3 /Advanced Reiki Training(ART)- December 2018

Master Teacher Level- December 2018








Reiki Manchester
Reiki Treatment

Free phone consultation!

Concessions available for people with financial hardship!

Remote Healing anywhere in the world

Combined treatments with Acupuncture, Tui Na, Bodywork, Cupping &Moxibustion, Meditation & Crystal Therapy

for more information please visit Combined therapy sessions




Why follow REIKI classes with Mira ?

Fully insured with Balens

Experience over 7 years

Quality training&permanent  support after class

REIKI  is treated with integrity and is not a business

Workshops&seminaries for CPD

Strong REIKI Lineage

You will receive William Lee Rand's Manual

You will receive a certificate











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